Get to Know Kenny

Kenny Carpenter Physical Therapist at Physio Whitefish

Kenny grew up in East Glacier Park, Montana through middle school. His family moved to Plains, Montana where he graduated in 2006. He worked for the Forest Service as a firefighter while he completed his undergraduate degree from Montana State University. He attended the University of Montana for his Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2013.

Upon graduation Kenny worked for 5 years as a clinic director for Polson Physical Therapy. He then moved to Whitefish and spent 5 years working at Whitefish Therapy and Sport Center.

He believes in an evidence-based approach that includes clinical judgement, research and patient values. A focused approach including ample time for patient education and understanding of conditions is an important part of each treatment. He has completed extensive training in manual therapy that includes a certification in dry needling, instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization (IASTM), Spinal Manipulation, Mulligan therapy techniques, Strategic Orthopedics headache courses and Institute of Clinical Excellence – Management of the Fitness Athlete.

Kenny and his wife enjoy all avenues of outdoor recreation throughout the seasons. They are avid skiers, hikers, backpackers and enjoy gardening in the summer. He is looking forward to helping anyone in the Flathead Valley maximize their physical function.