Get to Know Devin

Special Interests: When I have spare time, I am in the sand box with my son, in the mountains with my husband, on my yoga mat with myself, or on my deck singing songs and playing guitar with the birds.
I obtained my degree as a Doctor of Physical Therapy from Regis University in Denver, Colorado in 2004. After working as both clinic director and staff therapist at Physiotherapy Associates for three years, I decided to open my own private practice with the intent to provide excellent one-on-one boutique style care for my clientele.
I have extensive experience in a wide array of orthopedic injuries including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, postural impairments, and chronic neck and low back pain.
It is my belief that every body responds differently to each treatment technique available. Based on this notion, I attempt to facilitate the rehabilitation of joints, muscles and nerves by assessing which therapy method is best suited for each individual, with the only similarity being that each patient will receive manual/hands-on therapy, in addition to a specific home exercise program.
From my perspective, the body is a complex system of parts. Each part is capable of disrupting the efficiency and functional capabilities of the whole. Proper exercise and movement necessitate compliance from the muscles, joints, and nerves. Manual therapy is essential to facilitate this compliance. I’m a mechanic, and I love it.